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Re: [T3] Fw: high beam flasher relay

On 12 May 2004 at 9:33, eggmeg@netzero.com wrote:

> I have switched the square from 6 to 12 volt and was wondering. I
> picked up a 12 volt relay for the high beam flashers. All of the plugs
> matched perfect except for one. the wire that plugs into the 56 lead
> has a second red wire "piggy backed" on it. This wire did plug into
> the 30 lead on the 6 volt but now just hangs out. Two people have told
> me differnt. One says its a hot lead. should it be grounded? Second
> person says just tape it off. 

A ground wire would probably be brown, not red, so I don't think you want to 
ground this. I don't know enough about the 6V cars to tell you any more. Taping 
it off can't possibly hurt anything, although it may leave something not 
working. OTOH, if you ground it and it turns out to be a hot wire, then you may 
ruin your wiring harness as well as some things that the harness connects to.

You really have to follow thru on what each wire actually does, rather than try 
to just follow a pattern. 

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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