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Thanks again Mr. Adney. I don't think it needs a rebuild yet either. You mentioned many variables. I'll check the compression, rebuild the pump, check the valves, and swap oil again. v/r Rick > On 25 Dec 2004 at 8:37, rjdiaz wrote: > > > Questions: > > > > a. Should I use a thinner oil? Castrol is easy to get > at > > the base but not in a wide range. The price of oil out > in > > town is prohibitive. > > Especially in the winter, I believe this is a very bad > idea. Thicker oil seems > attractive because we tend to think that it will lead to > higher oil pressure. > It certainly does, but mainly within the oil passages. The > main oil pressure, > however, is generated hydrodynamically within the bearings > and journals > themselves and does NOT show up on your pressure gauge. > Heavier oil in cold > weather will actually be counterproductive since it > increases the time after > startup during which oil does not actually get to the > bearings. > > Heavier oil also puts more strain on the oil pump, because > it takes more HP to > force that thicker stuff thru the passages. This not only > wastes HP, but also > causes excess wear on the pump parts. > > I'd stick with something like 10W-30 or 15W-40 depending > on the temperature. > > > b. I'd like to get a re-build kit for the fuel pump in > case > > it's leaking but I'm having trouble finding it. Does > anyone > > know who sells quality kits? > > There were probably different pumps used in type 3s over > the years, so I THINK > you will have to describe yours first. Be aware that you > can probably use a > type 1 kit if you reuse the type 3 springs. The springs > are different because > the springs determine the output pressure, which is > slightly different for type > 1s and type 3s. I'm not convinced that the difference is > significant, but if it > were my car, I'd make every effort to make sure it had the > right springs in > it.. > > > c. Any thoughts from the group on the high lead in the > oil analysis? > > What is the make up of the bearings on these original > engines? > > Don't know, but in the US even the lead substitutes don't > contain lead. I would > not trust any analysis that did not come from a car in > regular use, since acids > that accumulate in the crankcase may leach material from > the bearings > chemically. I would also not trust an analysis from runs > using inappropriate > weights of oil, which in my opinion you've been using. > > Frankly, I'm not even sure that the VW bearings contain > lead, but I suspect > that that they do. > > There's also the possiblity that the oil analysis is > slanted toward the vast > majority of engines that actually have oil filters. The > analysis company would > have to tell you whether this would make a difference. I > think it's quite > possible that in this day and age they haven't even > considered this > possibility. > > Finally, you may need to recognize that the leaded gas of > the past left residue > in the crankcase and oil passages that would stay there > virtually forever. > (Remember the grey "goo" that used to always cover the oil > sump plate when you > changed the oil in the old days? Much of that was lead.) > Well, if this is an > old original engine that has seen little mileage in the > past 20 years, then > there is probably a lot of that residue still in there. I > don't know if the oil > analysis can differentiate this residue from bearing lead, > but it might be a > reasonable question to ask the analysis people. > > I guess that overall, I'd want better evidence that this > engine actually needed > a rebuild. > > Yes, switch to lighter oil, get a compression tester, and > wait for warm weather > and give this baby some nice warm highway miles and a few > oil changes. Then > maybe you will have a better idea of whether you actually > have a problem or > not. > > BTW, the most likely things to give you a problem are the > exhaust valves. You > can check the valve to valve guide slop while adjusting > the valves. This is > probably the thing you should be watching and thinking > about. > > -- > ******************************* > Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org > Madison, Wisconsin, USA > ******************************* > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > ~~~~~~~~~ > List info at http://www.vwtype3.org/list | > mailto:gregm@vwtype3.org > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > ~~~~~~~~~ >