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Re: [T3] Body shop problems - any recourse?

I'd send a return-receipt certified letter, in which you politely state
you want what's yours back and threaten legal action, politely, if he
doesn't contact you within X days. This way you'll have verifiable proof
that you attempted to contact him and work the situation out.

If he gets back to you, great. If not, it's off to small claims court.
Get the sheriff's office to deliver the subpoena, since he's never
around. He'll probably not show up in court, anyway. If he does you've
got proof he either received or refused your letter asking for your
stuff back.  Either way you win by default, and the judge sends the
sheriff over there with a warrant and bolt clippers to get whatever the
court awards you--your car, cash, the gold brick you left in the trunk,
court costs, etc.
Maybe you could even get on Judge Judy. ;)

On Tue, Aug 17, 2004, Mysterious J wrote:
> I tried the face-to-face thing about 3 weeks ago.  When we got there the 
> place was locked up tight, and it looked like the mailed hadn't been 
> checked in a couple weeks.  I was with my club president (the guy who 
> suggested this shop to me) and he said that the guy sometimes does this.  
> The problem with the face-to-face thing is the shop is about an hour from 
> my house, and 2+ hours from work.  The guy supposedly is working evening 
> hours now, which should work in my favor, but he never seems to be there.

> Ugh...

> Jim

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