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Re: [T3] Troubleshooting Website

I agree w/Aaron.  I've seen many informative sites change locations or simply
disappear...very frustrating!  I know I was guilty of changing sites but I've
tried to make sure to tell the web masters who have linked to my old web pages
that they have changed.  I've also tried to keep my page locations static; I
hate it when you bookmark a particular page and later go to it and it's gone
or changed and you have to start all over to find that info again.  Working in
the web space world I can understand that it's not always that simple so I
have a search function for my web space as well.  I want the information to be
easily accessible.

I feel that having the information at vwtype3.org allows it to remain for a
much longer time than it would at most other web sites.  I plan on keeping my
web site for many, many more years to come which is why I collect some of the
Darkside info (and the occasional Lightside stuff as well :-) from the list
and put it on my site.  That way I know it won't be lost.

     Toby Erkson  --  air_cooled_nut@pobox.com
     '72 VW Squareback, '95 VW Jetta, '81 Gold Wing
     Portland, Oregon

----- Original Message ----- 
> > Why not hosted all over and then just linked FROM
> > vwtype3.org?
> I don't know why I didn't think of that. :) I guess
> it's a lot easier to just ask Greg to link to us
> rather than organize all that information on one site.
> I think the only benefit of actually hosting it all on
> vwtype3.org is that you can be pretty sure the website
> isn't going anywhere and that the information will
> most likely always be available there....

List info at http://www.vwtype3.org/list | mailto:gregm@vwtype3.org

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