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Re: [T3] Putting everything back together

On 30 Jul 2003 at 23:39, Chris J Valade wrote:

> I didn't have much time with the car today, but I managed to hook up a
> wire to the AAR as it should be, then when I started the car I blew a
> fuse and the car wouldn't start, odd enough, but it gets better, it was
> fuse 12!!  Based on this and from what I've seen of the fuse box the POs
> mechanic installed the wiring harness on a whim instead of by the book. 
> Tomorrow I'm going to take that fuse out and see if anything else is
> connected to it, as I know it shouldn't be.  
>         I believe it blew the fuse cause the wire to the AAR is hooked up
> to the relay incorrectly, so which relay is it, and which terminal should
> it be so I can check?

The power to the fuel pump relay comes from fuse 11 for 68-70 and fuse 7 for 
all later years. If all you did was wire in the AAR then I'd say that the AAR, 
or its wires, are shorted to ground. When you turned the key on, the fuse blew 
because of this short. It's possible that this is why the AAR was disconnected 
in the first place.

Disconnect the AAR and measure the resistance thru it to ground. I think it 
should be 15-20 Ohms. Before you touch the wires, look at them carefully to see 
if there are any bare connectors or conductors that might be rubbing against 
something grounded.

>         Also, how immediate of a problem would it be if something else is
> hooked up to the fuse that the FP is on?  Would I be able to simply
> switch these wires over, or will I have to reorganize the entire fuse
> box...or does this depend on what the man did to it?

The AAR is SUPPOSED to be wired up with the fuel pump. There is just one wire 
going from the fuse box to the fuel pump relay (J17 on the Bentley wiring 
diagram.) That is not normally a problem. It shouldn't have a short to ground, 
though, either.

If you get out your Bentley manual, it really isn't all that hard to get the 
fuse box wired right. Just take it one fuse at a time and work your way 
systematically thru them.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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