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Re: [T3] Burned Valve?

On 21 Jul 2003 at 20:34, Keith Park wrote:

> Id do that if it werent such a pain to get the side play in the rocker arms
> correct when bolting them down. 

Does taking the rocker shaft off lose all these adjustments? I'd have thought 
that once done it would stay.

>  I have done a visual on the head cylinder sealing surface and its nice
> and clean, no blowby. 

Does this mean that you've had the head off??? I don't understand why you would 
do that and not inspect the valves, but I can't imagine how you could do that 
inspection without taking the head off.

Plus, how would you get the head off without first removing the rocker shaft?

I'm puzzled.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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