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Re: [T3] Help, my square died on me this weekend... (long)

>Repeat this on the other outer pin. Still good? Well, the contacts could be
dirty or intermittent. So pull the trigger 
>contacts out of the dizzy and clean the little contact points. Drag a
dollar bill through them. No filing. The little room 
>where the points live should be reasonably clean. If the points get oil or
crud-fouled, they may work intermittently. It is >also remotely possible
that the points are going out, so if you have another set to try... 

I will second this.  I checked my trigger points and they looked good with
the meter test.  But I took them out and they were dirty as heck.  I had a
spare so I replaced them and this solved by bogging down problem. 

Jason Smith
'72 Fastback FI AT
'97 Jetta
http://jasontsmith.tripod.com/vw.htm <http://jasontsmith.tripod.com/vw.htm> 

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