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Re: [T3] AT questions...suggestions

<x-charset iso-8859-1>Your auto-tranny shifts too soon ?
Your auto-tranny pulls at the light, stop etc...?
Your auto-tranny kicks during shifting from Neutral ?

Easy questions to answer if it is the 'problems' I think it is.

-First question.
Shifting too soon is an adjustment. The only real adjustments one
must do at leat once during the trannies lifetime are the band adjustment
and the lever linkage adjustment, my tranny is 33 years old and has 
not been rebuilt or had a smooth easy life, I am the 6th owner, previous
owners were young sufers. 

Well back to the tranny, If one of the previous owners had some 
knowledge and adjusted the vacume controlled modulator  too tight (or too
I forget ) then your shift time would vary. The tranny modulator is located
next to the tranny pan at the rear passenger side. It is connected to  
the bottom of your engine's manifold via a hose.

I have adjusted these in several caers of differnt brands, shifting can
very late or very soon it all depends on the driver's preference or what you
use the 
vehicle for : lugging stuff, racing or economy. Your setup is probably
for economy like mine, you must have a torquey strong engine and not
a racer (torque at top end) or your car will run like a dog . To correct
this :
lift up your car, remove that hose that goes to the modulator, hose may \
have oil from overfilled aircleaner (like mine) clean tranny connection with
a rag, use a flash light to see inside the metal tube. If there is an allen
in there get your allen set out if there is a notch then get your small
driver out, turn the screw from a little to lots of turns (I foregot which
way )
put it back together , drive car any changes ? Please note the direction
you turned the screw make sure the screw noticeably went in or out to make 
noticible difference in driving . 

That is how I adjusted mine because first
gear stayed up to 30 mph and 2nd stayed almost til 50 mph . I adjusted
it to lower shift speed/time. I also found the little shaft at the other
side of the modulator 
was bent (one of the previous owner's doing) . The modulator is removeable 
by the use of a wrench, fluid may spill if you do this so I recommend ,
draining and
changing fluid at this point. Suck the tranny's modulator to see if it holds
if not you need to purchase another one at a tranny shop or parts store.

-next answer
Your tranny pulls hard at a stop during braking is not normal? you have your

idle too high. Lowering your engine's idle will solve this. Your engine must

be working perfectly for low idle and/or not have a too hot cam for the high
end power.
Moderate to mildly hot cam will work. Dragsters that use autotranny's have
step on the brake and accelerate just before the car takes off. Your
accelerator is
pressed by the adjustment and you have to step on the brake just like the

A manual tranny setup can cover and hide a crappy engine by raising the RPM
at idle . A manual engine can also hide bad idle and high cam by raising
engine speed
but not an  automatic. Do not leave this too long like this or you can
overheat and roast your
fluid (I recommend a fluid change after correcting this) , this is similar
to burning 
the clutch by having it constantly slip while braking and accerating alot.

Lower your idle and your car will not creep and just a light touch on the
brake should 
stop your car without the fight.

-Answer to next question:

Does your tranny kicks/moves the car as you are just turning the key during
stat up 
before shifting? Or is it kicking after shifting ?

If it kicks in neutral during startup then your linkage adjustment is off.
By the way,
I disabled the starting in neutral feature by jumping the wire at the
shifter so it can 
start in park  (in all gears for that matter) this was just a saftey feature
but these
engines are low powered and not like a ford with a 8 liter engine that my
stated and went through the garage wall when accidentally starting in drive.
People may frown at me but I like to start my care in park like most cars

To adjust your linkage , lift car , leave in park , use a 13mm wrench ,
nut and push the lever more toward the park position then tighten nut. Your
mount must be in good condition and not totally ripped up or your adstment
change everyday and get worse. I ripped up my mount when my engine got
on a partially buried boulder, this ripped my mount and my adjustment ended
all wacked up until I replaced the mount.

If your car kicks after shifting from park or neutral then that is also a
symptom of
Idle too fast.

On this last one , when exactly does it kick during just after the engine
kicks on 
or when shifting to intitially move it?




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