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On 4 May 2001, at 13:25, Mark Healey wrote: > At this point I decided to follow the muir procedures and checked the > dwell. It was off so I got the feeler guage and ajusted it. Then it > wouldn't start. Went in ajusted it again and it started but it was > low. After about 10 attempts it seems that unless I have the points > wider than Muir said they should be it won't start. Once it has > heated up even after starting it won't keep runing. Adjusting the point gap (dwell) changes the timing, so you have to adjust the gap first, then set the timing. That's the only way to get them BOTH where you want them. > The one thing that is making this really dificult is the fact that I > can't ajust the points while looking at the dwell meter. Is there a > way to do this? Or even a way to put in some kind of ajustment screw > instead of movin them with my fingers and tightening the set screw. > With all those springed things it seems impossible to simply measure > things and tighten things. The engine doesn't have to be running to read the dwell meter. You can leave the cap and rotor off and get someone else to crank the engine with the starter while you watch and adjust. Don't agonize over the exact dwell setting; anything 45-55 will be fine. - ******************************* Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org Madison, Wisconsin, USA ******************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------- Too much? Digest! mailto:type3-d-request@vwtype3.org Subj=subscribe