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Re: [T3] Compression

On 22 Jun 2001, at 11:32, Mike Wodkowski wrote:

> For us learners: what is exactly is being compared in a compression ratio?
> What's being compressed and what does it all mean?

It's the ratio between the volume of gas/air in the cylinder when the 
piston is at the bottom of its stroke to the volume when the piston 
is at the top of its stroke. Kind of like a before and after 
(compression) comparison.

Compressing the mix heats it and gets it ready to ignite. If you 
compress it too much it ignites itself. The latter is knock, 
detonation, etc (all words for various degrees of the same thing) 
and these are bad things for your engine.

Jim Adney
Madison, WI 53711-3054

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