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Re: [T3]Look who the idiot is this time


This is what I have done to my VW 411.  Twice it has saved me.  I have also seen
this backup arrangement as a standard production fitting on  some modern Ferraris
and Maseratis.  However, with Type3s and Type 4s I think the problem is not
usually caused by a snapped cable but by the papiermache glovebox distintegrating
where the operating lever is inside the glovebox.  Why VW made gloveboxes of this
material I just do not understand.  Why not metal or plastic?

Simon Glen
Toowoomba,  Australia.

Per Lindgren wrote:

> With all these tales of broken or un-hooked cables on the front end, I thought
> I'd remind you of the trick Karl-Olov told me about some time ago.
> Install an extra cable on the latch, run it through grommets into the headlight
> bucket.  If the stock cable snaps, remove the headlight and pull the emergency
> cable to get the hood opened.

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