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Re: [T3] building a bigger mousetrap (engine case questions)

Gene Berg Recommends a 26mm pump at the most. Of course he never uses a
line-bored case. I use a 26mm pump and Berg's pressure relief cover. If the
pressure gets too high on the outlet side of the pump, a relief valve opens
and bleeds the oil back to the inlet side of the pump (the best place to put
it!) Also something Berg thinks that we need to consider is the fact that
alot of us are running modern tires and gas shocks (perhaps even sway bars)
and we still have the same ol' sump. When we start cornering harder than the
car was designed to, all of the oil goes to one side and starves the engine
for oil, even if the engine is stock! I use a Berg deep sump and full flow
kit for my performance engines.

The Amazing Kelly Pitt

> From: "Erkson, Toby" <toby.erkson@intel.com>
> Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 13:03:57 -0700
> To: type3list <type3@vwtype3.org>
> Subject: RE: [T3] building a bigger mousetrap (engine case questions)
> Resent-From: type3@vwtype3.org
> Resent-Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 16:05:06 -0400
> I'm using a 30mm pump.  I don't think it's necessary.  On my next engine
> I'll go back to a stock sized pump.
> http://www.icbm.org/erkson/ttt/engine/oil_system.html
> Toby Erkson
> air_cooled_nut@pobox.com
> '72 VW Squareback 1.6L bored and stroked to 2.0L, Berg five-speed
> '95 VW Jetta III GL 2.0L, P-Chipped, Jamex sport suspension
> Portland, Oregon, http://www.icbm.org/
>> -----Original Message-----
> ...
>> Also, if anyone is running a Gene Berg full flow kit,
>> do you have to use a stock oil pump to clear the fan
>> housing, or can you go larger?
> ...
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