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Re: [T3] Hey Guys I'm still Bogged Down Over here!

The factory had a modifcation for the t-3 fuel injection for a lean running
condition. It was to put a 250 ohm resistor in series with the head
temperature sensor. They even had one made up special. (potted in epoxy,
with the right connectors). This would richen up the system slightly. I
think I may even have one around here somewhere. I will look for it this

Russ Wolfe
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Merritt" <gregm@vwtype3.org>
To: "type3" <type3@vwtype3.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 12:33 PM
Subject: RE: [T3] Hey Guys I'm still Bogged Down Over here!

> On Thu, 25 Jan 2001, Fuhriman, Mark wrote:
> > Whoa!  If you disconnect either of the temp sensors, the engine will
> > immediately quit, won't it??
> I haven't pulled the connectors on either of these recently
> myself, but I'm pretty darn sure that yanking the air temp sensor won't
> kill it dead.  (I seem to vaguely recall that yanking the head temp sensor
> might kill it, but don't remember clearly.)
> In Ben Watson's fuel injection book, there's a little sidebar that
> describes the "old trick" of disconnecting the air temp sensor to smooth
> out the running of a tired, old, out-of-adjustment D-Jet Type III.
> Note that disconnecting either temp sensor causes the resistance
> to peg high, which tells the ecu "brrr, I"m *darned* cold! make it rich!"
> -Greg
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