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Fwd: Re: [T3] Fastback Mini-caravan

At 09:00 PM 1/19/01 -0800, Greg Banfill wrote:
>> >         Hm, sounds like the San Diego crew had a nice get-togther -- 9
>> > cars, I think?  I think we'd be able to get twice as many together around
>> > here.  (No offense to the SD crowd, of course.:)
>> > -Greg
>>I could get 9 T3's together here locally in under an hour............... Why
>>don't we do a Nor Cal get together??
>>The "other" Greg

How many of those 9 T3's are here in Sonoma County?  If all of them are 
from around here then I'd have to be #10. =)

Someone else on here said something about San Jose -- personally that would 
be a bit of a long haul.  I was thinking of suggesting maybe someplace in 
Golden Gate Park?  It would make a nice backdrop for some picture taking...


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