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RE: [T3] disk brake swap and large 5 lug patern

I don't think blank late model 4 lug rotors are large enough to accept 5

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Ned glenn [SMTP:ned_glenn@hotmail.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, January 18, 2001 2:14 PM
> To:	type3@vwtype3.org
> Subject:	RE:[T3] disk brake swap and large 5 lug patern
> Youre options include:
> Redrilling/studding the discs for 5 lug (I understand this is quite simple
> and cheap)
> Buying some CB type kit that may be quite expensive (but aleast the parts 
> are new)  Come to think of it.....  I think CB sells "ghia" rotors that
> are 
> blank or 5 lug exactly for this purpose.
> Are "ghia" rotors the same as early T3 rotors (~68/69)?
> Ned
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