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[T3] Running great.

I just wanted to express my thanks for everyone that had offered some advice
when I needed it.  Thanks Again.  And now to the problem.

My Fasty runs great now, but seems to pickup alotta water while driving in the
rain.  I had to drill a small hole in the back to drain the water out, only
seems to collect on the passenger side.  I found a rust hole above beside the
glove box that seemed to go right into the fender well.  I put a peice of sheet
metal there.  But have been weiry of driving it in the rain.  I can also see
sunlight coming through the vents on the heater channel along the floor, I think
the plan for me right now is gonna include "temporarly" sealing it off until
I can replace it the entire channel.  But are there any hidden spots I should
be aware of for incoming water?  Any help is greatly appreciated.


71' Fasty (Xmas colors: green with red front fenders)

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