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Re: [T3] T3 Turbocharging

After a brief internet inspection let me rephrase this :
Can a supercharger ( Judson ) or any other company  be made to fit in a T3
? - pulley to crank pulley ,single carb manifold ,etc. I've heard a lot of
good about superchargers even if turbos outperform them.
Hey, Darksiders I'm drifting your way :@)
Haven't any of the Darksiders at least tried supercharging ?- this setup
would be much easier.
-----Original Message-----
From: Herman Haustein <haustein@netvision.net.il>
To: Type 3 list <type3@vwtype3.org>
Date: ??? ????? 16 ?????? 1999 17:59
Subject: [T3] T3 Turbocharging

>Hi , while reading through "Vw performance tuning" I found that there is no
>turbocharger for T3's , is this true ? has anyone tried to adapt one ? what
>is involved , how much gain at what cost ?
>Tell me all about it
>KG T34 '69
>Israel - Is real
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