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Re: [T3] engine questions???

On 12 May 99, at 7:41, AT3 RICHARDSON wrote:

> a few questions?? first: when i go to turn off my car, it wants to keep
> running unless i rev it up and clean out the carbs before i turn the key
> off. could this be becouse my carbs are unsincronized. also how often do my
> valves need to be adjusted?? there is a slight tapping only when i gun the
> gas pedal. 

This is called "running on" or dieseling and has nothing to do with 
carb sync. You need to check to see if the idle cutoff jets are 

Valves should be adjusted every 3000 mi. Valves that need adjustment 
do not make noise, they just do not close all the way. Not adjusting 
your valves regularly is a sure way to destroy your engine.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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