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Re: [T3] Rear Defroster

On 25 Jan 99, at 18:45, Keith Park wrote:

> Actually the grid lines are etched in the Glass and its the sun that wipes
> out the etchant. I THINK there is a way to paint new copper in there but I
> have tried it yet for practical application.

The grid wires consist of at least 2 layers of something.  The bottom 
layer, which is what you see when you look at them from the outside, 
is some kind of reddish-brown material.  This is usually intact, but, 
unfortunatly it is an insulator.  On top of that there was originally 
a silvery material;  in many cases you will find that this seems to 
be almost completely gone.  That was the important electrically 
conductive part.

I think thaOº›¢lvery stuff suffered from corrosion (oxidation) 
and some of it got removed each time the window was cleaned on the 
inside.  In the end, there is little or nothing left except for the 
reddish-brown under layer.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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