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Re: [T3] T3 siting.....

On 21 Jan 99, at 0:24, John Jaranson wrote:

> >>Mannix in a type 3?  REALLY???  I used to watch that show all the 
> >>time and I never noticed that.  Then again I don't recall what he 
> >>usually drove.
> Actually, Mannix was still driving his Boss Convertible Mustang.  One of
> the little league kids in the show was picked up by his mother in the
> Squareback.  I think our cars were a bit typecast.... :^)

Okay, that's better.  I think James Garner in The Rockford Files also 
drove some kind of mustang, but in that era Ford seemed to have a 
lock on TV series, and ALL the series stars drove some kind of Ford.

The most prominent part I ever recall seeing a squareback play in the 
movies was when Harrison Ford borrowed his sister's to drive to the 
Amish community in "Witness."  An excellent movie, even without the 
type 3 content.

Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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