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Re: [T3] I guess I'm out of the club...IDEAS

>It might even be a good idea to mark some parts so they could be 
>clearly identified at any later time.  Does anyone have any good 
>Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
>Madison, Wisconsin, USA

When I was in Poland - where car theft was prevalent, companies would
incorporate part of your VIN number in a sandblasting set and sandblast it
onto your windows to identify them with your car.  They would also write
the same number inside the door column with an invisible ink.  The number
was entered into a national registry and was trackable through that.  The
"etched" numbers on each window glass were inconspicuous, but they were
there.  We even marked our halogen headlights on our T1 back then.  

Otherwise, one can do other things such as slipping your business cards (or
any index card with your contact info on it) into each door, under the
dash, under the gas tank, in the tunnel, behind trim panels, etc.  Write
"This car is STOLEN.  Please contact police IMMEDIATELY" on each card.
Only you will know they are there so it won't ruin the image of your car.
Granted, the thief will probably find the cards, but there is a good chance
that it will be sold sooner than later or dismantled by someone else.  It
would also help you in identifying your car even if it has been painted to
sell quickly.  "I know this is my car, officer.  I put a message behind
these trim panels.  May I check to prove that to you?"  

Just a thought,

John Kowalski
Zagreb, Croatia

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