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Re: [T3] caught with my amps down...

The wires were actually the ground connections for the injectors from
the control unit, no wonder things didn't work  It's not the
connectors breaking off, either, am getting breaks in the middle of
runs.  I have to be extremely careful about moving any component in
the engine compartment, now.

All the harness insulation is starting to resemble macaroni(uncooked).
Just had a couple of more wires break yesterday  in the cold here.
Might not be able to wait for spring to rebuild the harness.

On Thu, 31 Dec 1998 18:22:45 -0600, you wrote:

>Those are the 12 V power input wires to the brain/FI system.  Don't 
>worry about replacing the whole harness, just do a good, careful job 
>of putting new connectors on the wires.
>Jim Adney, jadney@vwtype3.org
>Madison, Wisconsin, USA
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