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Re: [T3] electircal trickery

Nothing to it, you'll just have to reprogram the car's CPU.  Oops, I
guess we don't have one.  No, really, the new cars are all computer
controlled and that's one thing that they can do with some minor code
additions and charge a bundle extra for.  All the electrical stuff is
controlled by one or more microcomputers and all switches and
accessories are routed through them.  By necessity, the microcomputer
is always on and sucking juice, too.  All you'd need to do is program
a Basic Stamp microcontroller with a little extra hardware and you
could probably do this, too.  You'd have to get the proper radio for
that, just cutting off the juice to a new one throws it into a tizzy,
losing settings and sometimes even locking them so you have to input a
code before you can use it again.

I guess the folks that buy those cars have more faith in those things
than I do.  All it takes is one relay sticking and the dome light or
headlights stay on and suck down the battery.

On Thu, 9 Dec 1999 22:50:26 -0500, you wrote:

>Late model Lincolns have a feature where the radio stays on uniterrupted
>after you turn off and take out the key from the ignition. The radio stays
>on until you open the door.
>I'd like my '71 Fastback to do this. Does anyone know how to make this work?
>Some sort of weird relay I'd imagine; my best schematics would work, but I
>can't get around having the radio turn back on when you close the door again
>(Bad for the battery ;)
>Any help would be appreciated :)
>'71 Fastback

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