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Re: [T3] just brought home a project car. And the ECU is missing

The advice to get books is good, except I've already got a copy of all of
the VW books I could dig up at the local used stores, as well as a new
copy of the Muir book. I was hoping to get it into the garage and out of
the elements before I really started examining things.. but.. basically it
looks like the wire that goes from the ECU to all of the sensors and such
is still intact, on the motor end of it. The wire splits up to all of the
different plugs, and they're still attached to where they belong(except
for the one set of injector wires which were simply unplugged). Assuming
the rain stops, or at least lets up tommorrow I'll go out and check off
the items one at a time. From memory the distributor, coil, a number of
sensors, and well essentially everything looks fine, until it leaves the
area immediately surrounding the engine. The hook-ups for the battery have
been snipped off, and the ends of them are sitting right under the back
seat, the wire for the fuel injection is intact, until it goes up into the
compartment where you expect the ECU to be, then it's cut off.. Hopefully
it'll be possible to get the plug and wires attached to it intact? Most
sane people with an ounce of patience would simply unplug the ECU, and if
they wanted the plug take the whole chunk of wiring? Anyone know of any
good junk yards in Oregon where I could get parts? 

On Wed, 4 Nov 1998, scott a keck wrote:

> Looks like its time to do a once over on the car to find out what else
> for the F.I. is missing.  With the wires cut at the ECU plug, could be a
> real bear of a job to fix by itself.  (Fixing each wire, putting it in
> the proper place on the plug from yet another car ect.)  Are the various
> sensors there?  Are the various relays there?  Is the electric fuel pump
> there?  Has to be a reason that the ECU is gone and the wires are cut...
> (Most butchers would leave that stuff there.)  I know that you have heard
> it before, but.....  GO OUT AND BUY SOME ^%$#@*&^ BOOKS...  In this case
> the Muir book would probably be the cheapest to go for to show you what
> components are supposed to be where....  
> Scott (whew...  sorry about that...)
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