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Re: Morris. IL

Hello Shawn.
<BR>I live about 30 miles North of Morris IL, What days are you going to
be in town next week and where are you staying while your out this way?

<P>Shawn Albertin wrote:
live near there???</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT SIZE=-1>I am going to be in town next week, Building a bank .</FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>If
there are any list members interested in meeting, I'm game.</FONT>&nbsp;<FONT SIZE=-1>Contact
me and I will get your info.</FONT><FONT SIZE=-1>LMK</FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>Shawn
&amp; Lisa Albertin</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>67Fastback(PIGLET)</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>65Variant(the Egg Crate)</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1>88Fox GL Wagen (Mabel)</FONT></FONT>
<BR><FONT COLOR="#000000"><FONT SIZE=-1><A HREF="mailto:details@superior.net";>details@superior.net</A></FONT></FONT>&nbsp;</BLOCKQUOTE>


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