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David, Decisions, decisions.....tastes great...less filling. First, if it were me, I would make up my mind if I was going to keep the car for myself & use it for a parts car for my future purchace. That considered, then I would try to sell the car as a whole instead of parting it out. You may make more $$$ parting it out, but you'll end up with a bunch of parts you'll have to load up to take home. Not withstanding, these could be parts you could use for your new SB. If it is in decent shape & driveable I'd sell it. Decisions, decisions....tastes great...less filling??? My $.02 worth. Tom '68 FB (Thumper) '70 Bug On Fri, 08 May 1998 17:34:47 -0400 David Gray <grayda@erols.com> writes: >At the upcoming Bug-Out in May, I was thinking about bringing my 69 >square and selling it. It is a good car, and could be restored if a >little bodywork was done, but I can't do what is needed. Should I >bring >the whole car down, and sell it as a parts car, or should I part it >out >and just bring parts down, or bring the car and then when I get there, >if someone wants a part, I'll let them take it off and buy it. What >should I do? Or would anyone close to me(Maryland, D.C. area) like a >'69 Square parts ot project car? I also haven't ruled out the idea of >finding a better Square and using mine for parts. All ideas are >welcome. > > _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]