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Sure, you can do this, there's no problem with generator vs. alternator per se. I've started my Ford V8 using the VW, no problem. The deal is with fuel injection, the Bentley manual says no jump-starting. I think the problem is that the control unit has no internal voltage regulation as we know it. Monolithic voltage regulator ICs were unknown when it was designed, so it relies on the battery to maintain the designed voltage range. I suppose that a revved-up larger vehicle could overwhelm the battery's resistance on a jump-start and cook the FI controller, hence the warning. The way I do it(when I do it), is to disconnect the battery and use the other vehicle to charge the VW's battery for 15-20 mins., then disconnect the other vehicle and try to start the VW. Hasn't failed yet. Same thing with trying to jump from the VW to another vehicle. Use the VW to charge the other's battery, then disconnect and try to start the other car. I have a set of jumper cables with warning lights built-in for proper polarity, really handy on middle-of-the-night emergencies. If the other vehicle's battery can't maintain a charge, use the VW to go get another battery, rather than using its limited current capacity to try to start the larger vehicle and possibly cooking something expensive. Just my opinion. On Wed, 06 May 1998 15:33:00 EDT, you wrote: > Using a set of jumper cables, is it safe to jump start a vehicle >that has an alternator with a vehicle that has a generator & visa-versa? >TIA. >Tom >'68 FB(Thumper) >'70 Bug > >_____________________________________________________________________ >You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. >Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com >Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]