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Greg, I know what a wigger is. It's someone that doesn't know what wigger means. Steve B. -----Original Message----- From: Greg Merritt <gregm@vwtype3.org> To: James Burroughs <Jimb@csu.net> Cc: type3@vwtype3.org <type3@vwtype3.org>; swaffordvw@juno.com <swaffordvw@juno.com> Date: Wednesday, July 29, 1998 12:04 PM Subject: RE: screeeeech > >Hi Jim, > > The usage of the word "wigger" on this list appeared first in a >posting by Chris Swafford on Friday 7/24. Having never heard the word, >but suspecting it to be derogatory and unacceptable on this list, I >publicly requested that Chris fully and completely explain his usage of >the word. (I will forward to you Chris' original message and my reply in >case you missed them.) > > In the meantime, several others have reiterated my public request >that this be explained. Bryan's post (the one to which you responded >directly) is in response to the post from Chris, and is an attempt to >shed some light on what Chris may have intended to mean in his >original post. > > Chris -- the original poster -- has not offered the list an >explanation of his original comment. I cannot presume that he has checked >his e-mail in the last several days. Chris, please do explain your >original message in detail to the entire group before posting any other >messages. > > Folks are expected to be polite and respectful here on the Type >III mailing list, and, most importantly, stand behind what they say. >Those who do not will be asked to discontinue participation. > >-Greg Merritt >'69 & '71 Squarebacks >'63 Beetle >