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From: TOASTEDT3@aol.com Return-path: <TOASTEDT3@aol.com> To: type3@vwtype3.com Subject: Re: What's the Big Secret? Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 13:55:44 EDT Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit well since we're all comparing what we paid for our cars I figured I'd chime in and let you all know I dont care if you know what I paid or not. I also dont really care if you think I paid too much or got it for a steal. None of our cars are for sale and probably wont ever be for sale except for the parts off the Fastback parts car. I think it's CRAZY That people dont discuss these things. I'm always being huhed becasue I tell people what I make, but I'm contet with my job, I studied hard in school and it's paying off well 1 year after graduation ($52K/year). So here's what we paid for our cars. Of course we've put thousands extra into them since purchase, but that's not relelvant here. 92 GTi~~$7000 71 Square~~$3000 72 Notch~~$2500 7? fatsback parts car~~FREE 60 Kombi (running, fairly solid body, all the goodies like taillights, bullets, bumpers and body repair panels)!! FIFTY CENTS (snicker)