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Subject: RE: [T3] WTB: small rectangular SEAT BELT light lens on 73 dash These came in the '72 as well. I use mine to house the flashing LED for my car alarm. Toby Erkson air_cooled_nut@pobox.com <-- Please use this address for email '72 VW Squareback 1.6L bored and stroked to 2.0L, Berg five-speed '75 Porsche 914 1.8L, ORPCA member Portland, Oregon, http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/8501/ >-----Original Message----- >I'm looking for the rectangular SEAT BELT light lens that >appears on the 73 >type III dash. Its a translucent red plastic piece... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Too much? Digest! mailto:type3-d-request@vwtype3.org Subj=subscribe