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Re: Missouri Events (Two Weeks Away)

Bob Hufford wrote:
> Just a Friday reminder ...
> June 14 (Saturday):  The General Registry Of Ozarks Volkswagen Enthusiasts
> (G.R.O.O.V.E.) presents the 3rd Annual June Bug Jamboree All-Volkswagen
> Show & Swap in the heart of Springfield, Missouri on Park Central Square.
> 24 show classes (with awards for 1st - 3rd) and 9 "Best of" categories.
> Dash plaque and "goodie" bag with every show entry.  Show entries are $10,
> swap spaces are $15 and the car corral (VWs for sale) is $5.  For more
> information or to request a show flyer contact Lance Moeller (417)
> 889-8813 or Bob Hufford (417) 833-2047 or e-mail  bhufford@mail.orion.org
> June 13-15 (Friday - Sunday):  Busses on '66'.  An All-VW-Bus camping
> event held in conjunction with GROOVE's June Bug Jamboree (Springfield,
> Missouri).  Located at the beautiful Springfield KOA Kampground just
> minutes from the show site.  For more info contact Lance Moeller (417)
> 889-8813 or Mark Mihalik (417) 753-2919 or e-mail  bhufford@mail.orion.org
> See you there!  :-)
> Bob Hufford
> Transporter Search & Rescue
> bhufford@mail.orion.org

I wish we could make it....It's so nice to hear that there are still VW 
shows out there that haven't gotten so expensive that they lose their 
original intent - to bring VW people together and show off our babies! 
Too bad more of them aren't still like that. Maybe next year we'll see 
you there! -T

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