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Re: Part of the week

The "volkswagen" script on the rear of the Notch is the same exact script
used on the early Busses as well..

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>From type-3-errors@umich.edu Thu May 29 02:21:38 1997
From: newoldstock@norway-c.it.earthlink.net
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 23:05:32 -0700 (PDT)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
To: type-3@umich.edu
Subject: Part of the week
Content-Length: 527

Thanks to the long week end, and all that's involved with catching up
afterwards, here's the short and sweet deal. For all of you Notch owners
who's rear "Volkswagen" script is bent, oxidized, pitted, or no longer
exists, we have them NOS original, German for $35. They are from
Switzerland, so instead of having a flat finish they are a little shinier
with a rough finish. Although it's not NOS we do have the "1500" script as
well, in excellent condition, for $25.

phone   310.448.1377

e-mail  newoldstock@earthlink.net

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