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On 05/27/97 07:16:00 you wrote: > >Anybody got any ideas on how to solve the following problem? >(Or share the same problem) > >The drivers side lock can be opened with just about anything from a lolly stick, to a >key shaped piece of metal... > >Basically I know that the locking mechanism is jammed open, but without dismantling it >(as well as my door) I want to know if their is a simple alternative. > >I have tried filling the lock with WD-40 and wiggling the key about a lot, but it has >made little difference. > >I dont really want to get a new lock as it would mean a different key. One option >would be to get a lock made to my key spec, but that would cost heap big $... > >My old camper suffered the same problem, and my friends fastback as well, so I dont >think it is uncommon. > >Any suggestions before I fill the lock in with glue, and have to scramble across the >gearstick every morning? > > >Jay >'72 Fastback > > > It's about a 5 minute job to get that lock cylinder out, if that. One screw on the edge of the door releases the handle, slide toward the hinge and pull out. After you have the handle out, there's one Phillips head screw that needs to come out on the operator prong(careful of the little torsion spring!) and you can stick the key in and pull the cylinder out. Clean everything out and look things over. I got spare wafers and springs from junker bugs, there's about five different sizes(lengths) and you can file off ones that stick out too far with the key in the cylinder. There's also some little springs behind the wafers, these might be jammed, kinked or otherwise stuck, same source. Clean out the lock cylinder hole in the handle, look and see how much wear you have, you might have to look for another handle if it's too far gone. There's also a small O-ring at the outside end of the cylinder that's supposed to keep the weather out of the guts. By now it's either a square ! ! ring or corroded away, so go to your friendly plumbing establishment and see what they have for a replacement. Not too stiff, but not too loose, either. I was able to rekey all three cylinders on my '71 SB for about $5 for junk parts and an afternoon. By the way, if you end up getting a spare handle, the operator fingers are handed, the handles can go either side. Just make sure you swap the operator finger for the correct side, the part number has an L or R after it. Good luck.