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Help:What year is it?

Hey guys-
     For a while I have thought that my type 3 is a 68', but, I have had bad
luck with alot of parts not fitting. Is it really a 68'? How can I tell? Any
quick way to find out quickly? 

     Also, I just purchased a German type, type 3 muffler. It came only with
the muffler and no tail pipe. Then I spent another 20.00 and got the tail
pipe. Only the tail pipe, not the dampner. I had no idea that they were
sperate pieces. So I spend another 20.00 and get the dampner. Now, I go to
install it and the dampner is to short to reach the mounting bolt under the
apron. The end of the dampner also seerms not to fit in the muffler well. The
muffler's hole is bigger than the dampner end. What else do I need? Missing a
     Last thing. Where is the cap to drain the oil so I can change it?

                  Desperately seeking a smog pass,


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