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Hi guys (and gals)! This weekend here in Beee-utiful Manassas 
(Muh-naya-sass), VA is The Bugout. The Hubby will be selling various 
bits of junque incl. a Saphire XIV am/fm from a square, but mostly bug 
stuff (well, we know where the $$$ is!) and the Wifey will be scoping 
out bits of junque to replace the sold bits, which will undoubtedly be 
Mission Impossible, as no-one ever brings their T3 stuff to the 
show...but I digress...Just wondering if anyone's coming down/up/over 
for the show? It may rain a little, which'll keep the posers away! ;) 
Sorry. Anyway, we'd love to hear if any of you'll be attending. Nice to 
put faces w/ text, etc.. :)  -T

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