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Automatic Transmisson 71 and 73

>From: JK <jsk2649@osfmail.isc.rit.edu>

>	A friend of mine told me that the automatic transmisson of
>Squareback '71 and '73 aren't the same! Is it true? If so, what are makes
>it different?

There are actually 3 different versions:

Early, '68-9, with separate output shaft side covers, early ones have torque 
convertor with fewer fins.  These should be replaced with the late version.

Middle, '70-1

Late, '72-3, with different vac modulator and, possibly, governor and valve 

[Dual carb version used a third vac modulator]

       Melissa Kepner                                    Jim Adney
       jadney@vwtype3.org              jadney@vwtype3.org
                             Laura Kepner-Adney
                             Madison, Wisconsin

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