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Re: Panic struck this weekend...

>I've had inserts for spark plugs with no problems.  Well one worked
>out every 2000 miles or so, but I just tightened it regularly.
A thread insert is made that doesn't back out.  You screw it in and then drive 
two pins down the grooves on the outside of the insert.  This wedges the insert 
into the head.  I put about 15K on my inserts before selling the car.  The 
downside is it is pretty much an engine out of car operation.

> Yeah you get some
>aluminum shavings in the heads, but if small they should blow out when
>you start up.  Certainly cheaper than new head(s).

Try putting shaving cream in the cylinder before running the chaser.  Then 
before  putting in the plug crank the engine over.  This blows most of the chips
out since they are right at the plug opening.  Just make sure the piston is on 
the way up before filling the cyl with the cream.

>To restate a given, only pull plugs when head is cold.


                                Jason Renville
I would rather attempt something great and 
Fail than attempt nothing and succeed.

69 Fastback second owner.

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