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Decided I should join in the fun. My name's Libby & my other half is Andrew. He'll intro himself later. We just bought a '70 FB, & I'm having a great time learning about these creatures they call VW. We got hold of the manual for 'Compleat idiots' by John Muir, because in the realm of VW I am precisely that: complete idiot. Not for long. (Does anyone else use this manual?) One of the reasons we looked at VWs is because we live in Canberra, Australia, where the winters are freeeeeezing. Not snow-freezing, but still pretty cold, & the air-cooled thing seemed sensible. I work freelance in TV in various capacities (floor-manager, studio camera, library/archives), do book reviews for the local paper, edit for a local literary mag, & do a lot of my own stuff (short film, short stories, wedding photography). I don't really know what I am, but I have fun doing it. :) ... I am the other half. We got the vw from a little old lady believe it or not. She was the second owner and had looked after it really well. Everything checked out fine with the car except for a set of new brake pads. The stuff on this mailing list has been a great help in understanding our new and excellent car. I used to play around with minis and mazdas when I was younger plus a few other various jalopies that Lib and I have nursed along until the very end. The vw is cool (I guess I won't be getting many arguments there), the design is really compact and neat (I think we are going a bit resto with the car), and there is a certain coolness about this car which I finally put my finger on when I saw that 'The Graduate' type vw tv ad on the net and had a bit of a chuckle. (Thanks Greg - let us know when the mpeg is up). Me ..?.. I am a full time studying part time working which I have been doing for quite a while. Just started a phd in computer science last week. I ride a bike mostly (we also have a collection of bikes) since we live close to uni, but I like to just go for a drive sometimes, our fastie even has one of those plastic driver door window things so you can have it open and not be blasted even in the rain. It does not have a radio and we don't know whether to chuck any old thing in or look for an original which I fear to be expensive, the other option is to put a modern one in but try to "hide" it as I have seen with some other cars. Lib's suggestion is to just get one of those old battery operated transistor radios from a garage sale until we figure this one out, which could be the thing. Perhaps others have had similar experiences? Hmmm I've had quite a rave so I better end here. see you all, libby and andrew