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I saw the coolest thing tonight. This guy in my club had been hyping it up for a while. It was great. Basically they took a beater, stripped it out, and made sure it ran. Then they weld the doors shut, fit it with a roll cage, side bars window net, and harness. Engines have to be kept stock, so its pretty equal. Throw 'em all out on a 1/4 mile dirt oval track and let em have at it! There were only 4 cars this week, but I know several more that are coming next week. For all you Florida listees, its in Okeechobee. If you're ever there on a Friday night, check it out. And on a side note, this is for you web masters out there. I've been asked to make a web site for my VW club. One question, can you change fonts of the site without having to make it into an image? Its all set now I just need to find someone to host it. Where's the best place to get this done? Sorry for the non-VW stuff. Cayson Ellsworth 68 Fastback 72 Super