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Re: Rear torsion size

Yeah, this is primarily why I asked the question.  I am not sure which
spring plates to order.  There are about 4 different ones depending upon
the size of your bars.

 John T. Croteau {jt@geekopolis.com}
 Founder, geekopolis.com - Minneapolis, MN - http://www.geekopolis.com

On Thu, 28 Aug 1997, Toby Erkson wrote:

> When I bought my adjustable spring plates I found out that there are 
> different sizes.  The late model T3 uses the biggest torsion bars (biggest 
> diameter) that the Beetle used (I don't remember the exact size).
>      Toby Erkson
>      air_cooled_nut@pobox.com
>      '72 VW Squareback 1.6L bored and stroked to 2.0L
>      '75 Porsche 914 1.8L for sale
>      Portland, Oregon
>      http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/8501/
> ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
> Subject: axles and bars
> Author:  type-3-errors@umich.edu at SMTPGATE
> Date:    8/27/97 7:14 PM
> While I have everyones attention.. especially after that lame attempt to
> be funny with the "Hooked on Phonics Worked for Me" in German. ;-P
> Can anyone provide me with lengths for the front and rear torsion bars and
> axles on late model Squares?  Specifically 1971
> Yes, I will be buying a Bentlys book in the very near future. ;-)
> Thanks!
> ---
>  John T. Croteau {jt@geekopolis.com}
>  Founder, geekopolis.com - Minneapolis, MN - http://www.geekopolis.com

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