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Re: I want a new one.

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     There is such a thing as a Type 3 ghia.  They are very hard to come 
     by.  They are mostly based on the type 3 with a different style body.  
     They don't look much like the type one ghia.  Pretty cool.  Grab a VW 
     mag and every once and a while you will see one.


>Type III Ghia?  I thought Ghias were type I.  Someone explain please.

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Subject: Re: I want a new one.
Cc: type-3@umich.edu
To: Steven Ayres <comwest@well.com>
From: Henry Holman <hholman@holly.ColoState.EDU>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 15:46:45 -0700 (MST)
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