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Re: [T3] Fuel Issues - Overheating?

<x-flowed>Jeff=> it wouldn't re-start until it got cooled off a bit.

Hot-start difficulties are not unusual, and not necessarily due to overheat.

If it were vapor lock, bear in mind that you'd have to boil out the carbs completely to prevent a start. That would be an awfully hot motor. If your phenolic insulators are in place on the manifolds, it pretty well can't happen. It's good practice to separate the fuel lines from the case to prevent a running vapor-lock problem, but it's quite rare.

This is more often related to voltage loss in hot electrical components. Go over your spark system completely; the plug, feed and condensor wires should be off the engine case, the plug insulators should be clean and uncracked, the coil should not be getting too hot (this is a common problem with Mexican blue coils). Recheck your timing, as precision really matters most when it's hot.

Steven Ayres, Prescott AZ
'66 KG1600

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