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RE: [T3] pressures

> accuracy of all three is unknown, I went looking to buy a new
> one: $45, no

60psi gage and a 5/16" nipple from your local hardware store should cost
under $10 I think.

> don't get good
> mileage normally: 16-18 mpg. On these cold mornings I spend
> almost as much
> time warming up than driving, but I'd rather use gas than use
> engine life by
> driving it cold.  The car is capeable, as I got 33 mpg once

It would be much easier on your engine if you just drive it slowly for a few
blocks when cold rather than let it idle for a long time.  You want it to
come to temp as quickly and evenly as possible.  Idle will not let that
happen.  Also, 16-18 mpg sounds way low no matter what your driving
conditions.  Better find out why you're running rich.

-Mark Fuhriman

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