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Re: [T3] Prob fixed, now what?

Sounds like you've got your air leak plugged, for now at least.

It's really easy to get your distributor drive off by one tooth,
either way, when assembling the engine.  That could be one problem.
Where's the distributor hitting?  The ignition condensor position
changed from year to year, this can cause some problems, too, if
mismatv‘‘# far as I know, all distributor drives are the same.
I've had a few out of wrecks, they've all looked the same to me.  I
just chose the one with the least wear for my last rebuild.

I think the timing was changed in order to meet the smog requirements
for each year, the government kept changing them, so the designers had
to do likewise.  So ideally, you'd have a distributor from the same
year that your pulley and the rest of the FI parts are from.  Of
course, by this time, who knows what parts have been swapped?

On Sat, 01 May 1999 13:19:34 EST, you wrote:

>After going over all my hoses and wires on the FI system, many times 
>thinking that something would be wrong thus causing the high idle, hearing 
>about those stupid manifold gaskets got me thinking.  So i checked them, and 
>sure enough, they were the kind that i wasn't supposed to use, but were the 
>only ones in my gasket kit, so i went out and got some others from the local 
>guy, but them on it she idles at 850 rpm now, instead of 2400, i feel much 
>Now, we have a new problem, it is a '72, so bentley says to time it at 5 
>BTDC, but i can't turn the distributor enough to the left (counterclockwise) 
>to get it to go that far, even with both dist hoses disconnected.  I checked 
>the drive shaft at TDC and it is 60 degrees like the books show. What could 
>be casuing this?
>Here's where i kind of need a crash course on timing.  Were all distributor 
>drive shafts created equal, are they all the same, i have two of them, i 
>don't think they came from the same year, because they look a little 
>different, but are they?  And also how does VW determine the different 
>timing degrees to set the engines at?  You know, some are 7.5 BTDC, while 
>another engine may be 5 ATDC, how do they determine this.
>Again, sorry for my ignorance
>Jacob Schroeder
>'72 Square, FI

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