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Re: How many members have we got on this list/group??

At 8:42 AM -0000 1/17/97, Aaron Britcher wrote:
>Seems as though there are a few people on this list now Greg. Any idea
>of how many and what cars are involved with the said people, ie- how
>many '62s and 'S' etc.

Hi Aaron/everyone,

	as of a couple of minutes ago, 117.  Wow!

	Since I put the subscription instructions up on the T3 web pages,
I'm getting about a couple of subscription requests per day.  Maybe a
couple of unsub requests per week.  Call it a net of about 10 per week.
It's been increasing steadily for about a month and has grown much bigger
than I ever expected, with no end in sight at this point.  :)  Unlimited
connect time from AOL might have something to do with it!

	On a similar note, sometimes there are problems with a given email
address (mbox full, machine down, account dead etc.) that causes every post
to bounce to my personal mailbox.  One error often gets multiplied to 2 or
3 messages with all the warnings.  If it persists for a couple of days, I
will unsubscribe you!  Note that I can't email to warn you, as mail is
bouncing.  If you think you've gotten cut off, send me a note & I'll check
it out.  For those of you who can finger (any webheads out there still
speak Unix?;) go ahead and finger type-3@umich.edu for complete sub info.

	I haven't compiled statistics of subscribers' cars.  People do
generally send me a note indicating the T3s they own, so I do have an
impression... it's safe to say that ~'69-'72 year range dominates, and the
most popular vehicle is the squareback.

	On another note... I'm more than half finished with a complete
reworking of the T3 Web pages.  The complete "new & improved" site will get
uploaded all at once, most likely during the middle of next week.  The most
exciting new bits, IMHO, are the "spy" photos of an unmarked 1500 sedan
undergoing testing in northern Europe in early '61...!

'71 squareback
'63 Beetle

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